Tuesday 19 June 2018

Ramadhan Reflections

Let go of the past and look towards the future. 

You know that in the process of letting go of the past, the past will come knocking back.
That's okay. I'll acknowledge you and set you on your way.

Walk within your empowered self, the self who holds your true potential not your fear driven, critical, self-doubting self.

Listen to your inner wisdom. All experience has the potential to offer growth.

Treasure every breath. Every breath is a blessing.

Value the richness in life. Even the everyday monotony is beautiful. 

Be grateful. Remember all that you do have. There are others going through much deeper, painful, testing hardships. 

Love and accept yourself. You are your longest relationship.

Try your best to be loving to others. There are a lot of people out there who have repeatedly felt that they will never be good enough, that they are nothing.

Have and maintain meaningful connections. Attract those who you need and deserve.
Others like yourself. Those who are acknowledging of your entirety. Those whom around you feel at ease, you can let your guards down and be authentically you. They are supportive, loving and facilitate growth.

Time is precious. Use your time productively.

There is no limit in what you want to do and achieve. Make a plan, work consistently towards your goals.

Do not waste energy in worrying about the future. You will deal with things as they come and you are fully confident you will figure out a way.

Remember to trust Allah. Hold Him close. Do not let the many faces of the illusions of this world detract you.

Keep God consciousness at the forefront. How much are you living to your true purpose?

Live in balance. Take care of your mind, body and soul. How are you holding and fulfilling the rights to your self, others, and Allah?

Do not take your faith for granted. Do not fall into complacency. Work on solidifying the basics. Be present in worship. Maintain a conversation with Allah. Deeply reflect on the Quran and Seerah for personal development.

In all this do not lose sight of your humanness. You are in every way imperfect. Embrace this with compassion towards yourself and others. It is a process. It will take time.

I put all these thoughts, goals, aims out there into the universe.

Because I fully believe in them and visualize there fruition in my life.

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